We believe all children & families should have access to child life support. That’s why we created Colorful Hearts. Our team is here to help your child overcome medical adversities, while providing support for the entire family. We know that these challenges don’t end when you leave the hospital and we believe neither should child life support.

Our mission

Individual Sessions

Each family and child is unique, and therefore requires an individualized plan. We are here to help provide appropriate language based on your child’s development to help them thrive. Sessions are all virtual unless otherwise discussed.

Session topics may include…

  • Coaching and education for caregivers on upcoming tests or medical procedures.

  • Education on a child’s understanding of death, grief, illness, treatment based on the child’s developmental level.

  • How to advocate for your child in medical settings.

  • Age Appropriate Education: Explaining cancer, why baby brother has to stay in the hospital and other life challenges that can be difficult adjustments for a child or family.

  • Grief & Bereavement Support: Providing support to your child while you are grieving is challenging. We are here to help ease that challenge, help your child understand grief and how to involve them in the funeral process.


$150 per One Hour session

$75 per Half Hour Session

Additional Services

We are here to support your child and family through life's biggest stressors. Don't see what you're looking for? Colorful Hearts recognizes each child and family have unique needs.

Additional services include support for:

  • Loss of a pet

  • Extended caregiver separation (divorce, incarceration, military deployment, etc.)

  • In person support during routine dental exams and medical procedures.

  • In person funeral support.

  • In person support to be discussed with client.

School Re-Entry Support

Our team will visit with your child’s classroom to prepare them for your child’s return to school. Services include…

  • Explanation of the child’s illness using age-appropriate information and child-friendly language.

  • Suggestions for ways classmates can help support your child when they return to school.

  • Q&A session

This service can be done with or without your child in the classroom. We will work with you and your child to create a visit that best fits everyone’s needs.


1 School or Classroom visit: $400

Can be done virtually or in-person if feasible.